Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wedding Table Arrangements

time it has become that we have finally found really good cheese that tastes, is made by hand and is available in any supermarket. This is not easy, because somehow are everywhere the same and the special flair is often lacking. We are very excited about the cheese Schönegger Alm and sell immediately once six varieties to test, obs our customers tastes. We - the whole crew are excited Gierl. On Bilderl here is the delicious cheese, aged 5 months. Superguad! We are excited about what you say.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pakistan Women Boobas

birthday and wedding day = holiday

Unbelievable, but was, we have managed to get five days we went to South Tyrol. We're both not by being trained, but we had the same on 1 Day a huge hike to make. Result: I'm totally burned face and the wonderful sauna and spa facilities at the hotel was no longer so enjoy. Na bravo.
Good thing I had an aloe vera ointment there - which saved me and my face was no longer bloated quite like that.
We have the sun up there totally underestimated - it had so around 22 degrees. As it climbs ever seen such a mountain, which has trouble enough, and then tasted anything like that. However, it was
beautiful and Merano and Bolzano have done to us. Just rest in rumschlendern without thought of the butcher and the farm.
to Alfons birthday on 21 and 22 - On our wedding day we were served a prince in the hotel ... super lined and decorated table, and each a 7-course meal. With something we have not counted in the midst of these thousands of fruit trees.
Now we are back and have to "rework" ... Customer e-mails to answer, send mail new offer, wood cutting, cleaning house for the next guests, meat, dressing, etc. ... So this week the Sunday falls flat again.
Nevertheless, such a change of scenery few days something very beautiful ... we should do that more often.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How To Write A Invitation To A Church

One by one ... how it works with us to

A snapshot of this morning - our first drink Pia, then her foal, the Fanny, and then comes our first lady. The pia is the absolute boss, if they do not like, they do not like. Lady has often had trouble with her, which hangs at Pia accessible to the tail and then proposes natural. But at some point also learns a two year old boxer lady that damn hurts. As in real life - not only among animals.

Phone Camera Flash Baby Eyes

We are already thinking about Christmas ...

Although the sun laughs so beautiful out there, think we have Christmas. We have gift baskets, boxes, Christmas cards order, client gifts, etc., so we have not just before Christmas a "bottleneck ordering. Also, we should ask again pre-packed Christmas baskets to the grid, so that we can also test whether we can make our customers and to meet their tastes. A lot of work and all evening "- though the day anyway x-added hours and you are probably rather comfortably on the sofa sets and stupid looking into the telly. But that does not forward it. Yes, that is the Los self - closing time is almost always late.
The best part is, however, if you retrieve the mails and kind words to find the customers are in the Inbox. As you get back give it a real power boost. Therefore, in all a big THANK YOU.

Menstrual Cycle Length Calculator

Who knows what that is?

Now I'm curious if anyone knows what that is ... here in the butcher shop, there is not, but it tastes like delicious fried

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Canon Pixma Mp160 In Bangalore

Our first contact with the lawyer

The last days were for our family not just relaxing, because we had a lot of massive problems with a so-called "test customer" or let's say a lady who do not know what to do all day otherwise, other than to annoy someone.
In short - an order came from our online shop. Then she wrote a not very friendly e-mail, because they should pay in advance. We told her that we "foreigners" do not send out more without payment in advance, because we have a couple of times really "af de Goschn have fallen "- but if you ordered more often, there would be no problem that we send on behalf
Ok, the transfer was in the amount of 22.27 EUR We have also sent the same day and from the lady.. the Swabia thanked nice
But on the day on it it started -. vicious e-mail snowed in. We - she and her husband were sick and had them evaluated in Augsburg our products and these were found to be bad and they would immediately .
back their money back (it should be noted here that this is a customer who got something from us in April and has not been paid by today - we have not seen until now) non
My husband and I were. us, for it can not be - it's all fresh as a daisy, which leaves our house. In addition, we have never any problem in our company - let alone had with our customers. Us was clear after two days of pondering, that is all done on purpose or the lady does not know what to do all day.
Long story short - the food control in Augsburg knew nothing and laugh yourself.
However, we had the lady on the lawyer can ban this week, not to further harass us and make us poor. Still, this does nothing, now we are accused that we would have called 32 times yesterday with her and she is now mentally devastated would be damages and demands it - this mail came today at noon.
Let's see how the thing goes on. First we had
have a queasy feeling, because you often hear from colleagues that one of the other would most like to cut out the eyes and we would now turn.
But that is thankfully not the case. We do no one's business to give our best and are honest people - the "expected", we also from those who have to do with us.

Handmade Thermocol Cutting Tools

is really in the beer ball beer?

Again and again we ask customers if called ball in the beer or beer sausage, beer really is inside. NO, there is no beer in it! The name is because the shape of the sausage or the intestinal similar to a Bavarian beer mug is small.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Has Your Wmr Date Changed

Big Brother - or what it cost to freedom?

How much freedom?

"According to the will of the Bundesrat and the majority of the Parliament should from 1 March 2010 all Swiss passports and identity cards all Swiss necessarily be provided with biometric data and einemRFID chip. In addition, all these data to a central database of federal and foreign governments are stored and private companies were to gain access to this personal and confidential information of the Swiss citizens. "(Excerpt from http://www.freiheitskampagne.ch/ )

A global exchange of personal data with a technology that is not at all sure I find most disturbing. With appropriate software and hardware are abuses to commit very easily. The pursuit of power "man" has a long history ... Fortunately, there is the saying "knowledge is power"! I would encourage everyone to inform themselves and their own image to make. A cross-party referendum committee is collecting signatures to connect to resist this development. More information can be found at: http://www.freiheitskampagne.ch/

addition contains many text documents, the website also interesting Video Reviews and signature sheets . I will personally today to the perpetrators and print this out ... :-)

(perpetrators do anything - victim can do something with it)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Failed To Login - Rtw

images of OB courses housekeeping diet

... and there they are:
The images of the OB courses! ... over 350 pictures ;-)

Click here for the photo album!

In the school year 2007 / 2008, I led a suggestopedic coach a big part of OB courses home economics and nutrition. So that the course, students can see the big picture, I collected the pictures of my classes. All of them had nothing to do with the courses can get some ideas on how to specifically / woman Esssituationen gestalten kann...

Die Teilnehmer/innen haben jeweils Menüs zu den Themen "Darf es noch etwas Süsses sein?", "Leichte Kost gut verkauft" und "Das ist Food-Kultur" geplant und umgesetzt.
Fazit dieser Ess-Events: Jeder Anlass war für sich sehr persönlich und herzlich gestaltet! Essen verbindet Menschen und Themen auf eine multisensorische und intergalaktische Art...

Wer sich für die Ausbildung zur FaBe Kleinkind interessiert, findet mehr Informationen unter:
http://www.dritterlernort-s.ch/ (Zuständig für die Ü-Kurse)

Bei meiner Tätigkeit als Trainer arbeite ich mit suggestopädischen Grundsätzen. Mehr zur Suggestopädie finden Sie unter: http://www.dgsl.de/ oder unter http://www.brainbox.at/

Leider werden zur Zeit noch keine Ausbildungen in der Schweiz angeboten... dies kann sich jedoch rasch ändern! Schreiben Sie mir einfach eine Mail, wenn Sie interessiert sind, die Grundausbildung Suggestopädie (120 Stunden) in der Schweiz zu absolvieren. Bei genügend Interessenten kann ich eine Ausbildung relativ rasch organisieren. Weitere Info's folgen :-)