Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Thousand, I and Mr. Goldberg ...

Hi, I hope you all have New Year's Eve gutüberstanden and are healthy. After many meals, invitations undGegeneinladungen, which is sometimes not easy. Also in the deep snow I go from time to time some time quick steps. This helps to find matching skirt and pants back on as something. But no unrest for the Umsetzungder good intentions in the New Year, habenwir almost twelve months time.
What moved me to write today?
I tell you; bismittelschweres slight rumbling in the stomach.
Two articles got me thinking brought to. Of a more stimulating, the other has annoyed me. In the first, vomRegisseur Wolfgang Becker, Daily Mirror describes his impressions in this derPhilharmonie and mentions such and such experiences with various conductors.
Everything great, everything was smooth. The long-known excellent acoustics of the house does not remain unmentioned. Ichfragte me, what was this article actually. An active position in soexponierter concert lovers, it should actually amHerzen already, once to refer to the situation where the classical is located. It is a very difficult, I mean. The acceptance by the younger people is almost non-existent. Efforts to use them for To achieve this sowichtigen part of cultural life are, by far we do not ausreichend.Gehen in a concert, we will review the situation as a mirror vorgehalten.Einmal by the average age of the audience, by also for the most part technically perfect but unemotional performances. I dream in this connection by the wonderful performance of the Bruckner Seventh Symphony with the Philharmonic vonAnton. I actually enjoyed the Probenaufzeichnungenauf You Tube, where I greatly loved and appreciated, unfortunately verstorbeneSergiu Celibidache with the interpretation of the violins that keep him hatte.Aber what he has achieved with its persistence?
derSiebenten One of the most successful performances; Despite the premature use of horns in the final. I stress derHörner the Philharmonic . But this situation was anyone in sich.Etwas very authentic fact. This occurs to me right now, the transition zumzweiten article that touched me more than, easier. He covered the mirschon mentioned by the New Philharmonic Orchestra concert in the Munich Chamber Music Hall derPhilharmonie Berlin.
Should I object to the suspicion that my blog devoted almost exclusively Yoel Gamzou? He deserves it, vonwesentlich known media to get the attention it deserves.
I only give a shock to my passion was very violent, even Therefore, a few words to last Konzert.Ich experienced the kind of music-making that is truly capable, young audience in the "hallowed halls" to pull the concert halls. What a dedicated, motivated undDirigent kind of interplay between the orchestra.
play in the orchestra only young, awarded partly on international youth festival musicians. On this level there is no provincialism, which should be noted at once. (Mentioned in the text citation, see below.)
usually feel right physically pool the concentration of this wonderful orchestra to their conductor. Nixda routine. This deal on an equal footing with each other, fascinated me immensely. Meanwhile, I also own the DVD of the final concert of the Festival of Jewish Culture in Berlin. I experienced it myself and am happy to have it nunauf "preserve". As a bonus, there are then two Interviews.Eines with Yoel Gamzou, the other should have heard them both times with the Israeli pianist Elisha Abas.Jeder music lovers. Abas, a world-wide enthusiastically celebrated musician describes his work with the young conductor and designated it as a special honor for him. With these facts in mind, I had to take note of the concert imKammermusiksaal a Mr. Goldberg was sitting. And then get diesebesagten three proofs of his ignorance:

ClemensGoldberg, rbb Kulturradio,
über das Konzert am29.11.2010 im Kammermusiksaal der Neuen Philharmonie Berlin

„Es ist schon erstaunlichwelch gutes Niveau ein eher provinzielles Jugendorchester erreichen kann …
Allerdings bleibt es dochein Orchester, dass diesem Feuerkopf wie ein kindlicher Matrosenanzug viel zueng sitzt.“

Eher mühsam musste man sich durch das überlange Violinkonzert vonChatschaturjan hören. Das lag allerdings weder an der sehr engagierten und überzeugenden soloist, yet the orchestra, but simply with a bombastic, much idle undrealsozialistischer aesthetics overloaded work. Why only one has this piece excavated?

And as the summit ...
"You want Gamzou now really like to hear even with an orchestra like the DSO. Then to prove he could open that ideas really.'s Got it he has."

I should note here once again encouraging a title.
further comment superfluous; Wirhören another .

your Petra Radke