Friday, October 3, 2008

22 Años Y Follando

blood and liver sausage - at last!

At last October and again we have slaughtered fresh blood and liver sausages. As always I am looking forward on it, if reflects blood sausage with sauerkraut. My husband only makes it to Easter so - that is our tradition. Of course we will still have the smoked sausages - but so fresh from the cauldron of the pigs slaughtered on Monday, of course, it tastes like very well. I just polish off quite a sausage in passing on the bread. But this year, because I've made quite firm, finally a few pounds to go be. The Alfonso would not hurt too, because the need right now pretty much chocolate. He is always murrig when no longer fit its Metzgerhosn. After work, he says, he made amends when he an hour or longer runs through the forest ... hmmm ... Men are also often not easy - is to have a say, but we women have "our days".


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