Friday, December 29, 2006

I Am 18 And My Bra Size Is 32aa

This story I received via e-mail. I think it fits well with the beginning.

...wobei ich von guten Vorsätzen nicht viel halte. Besser sind gute Taten! Denn zwischen "Vorsatz" und "Umsetzung" liegen meist Welten.

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich ein Jahr voller "Umsetzungen" oder für die Kapitalisten: ein Umsatzreiches Jahr ;-)

Der Glasbehälter des Philosophie-Professors

Eines Tages stand der Philosophie-Professor vor seinen Studenten und hatte einen grossen weiten Glasbehälter vor sich stehen. Die Vorlesung begann und wortlos füllte er den Glasbehälter mit Golfbällen. Nun fragte er die Studenten, ob der Behälter voll sei, was diese bejahten.
The professor then produced now a box of pebbles and poured them into the glass container. He shook him slightly and the pebbles rolled into the spaces between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the container is full, which they said yes again.
The professor then produced a box of sand now emptied it into the glass container. He shook a little and the sand filled the remaining voids. Once more he asked the students if the tank was full. They responded unanimously "yes".
The professor then finally laugh and drank two cups of coffee had it in the glass container, and the students.
Now, the professor said: "This glass container with contents represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - your family, your faith, your health, your friends, your hobbies and passions - all things that make your life still met, even if all other things would be lost. The pebbles are the other things that are important, like your job, your house or your house, your car, your finances. The sand is the rest - the everyday, the everyday little things!
But beware! When the sand into the box empty, leaving no room for the golf balls and pebbles. The same applies to Ihr Leben. Wenn Sie Ihre ganze Energie und Zeit in die unwichtigen Dinge, den Alltag, die billigen Vergnügen stecken, werden Sie nie Zeit für die Dinge haben, die wichtig für Sie sind. Also achten Sie auf die Dinge, die wichtig für Ihr Glück sind. Spielen Sie mit Ihren Kindern, achten Sie auf Ihre Gesundheit, tragen Sie Sorge zu Ihrem Partner, lassen Sie Freiraum für Freizeit und Hobbys.
Achten Sie, dass die Golfbälle an erster Stelle sind, Zeit, um das Haus zu reinigen oder das Auto zu waschen bleibt immer. Setzen Sie Ihre Prioritäten! Der Rest ist nur Sand."
Einer der Studenten hob seine Hand und fragte, was denn der Kaffee repräsentiere. Der Professor lächelte and said: "I'm glad you asked. Simple, to show you that there is always room for a cup of coffee with a friend, "

The moral of the story. If you once everything is too much, if 24 hours seem to be insufficient to complete all remember, then Check with the glass container of the professor ... and the coffee.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wedding Congratulating Wordings

good appetite!

Graz During my last stay stung me the following picture into the eye ... I almost set to dinner and got me of the colored butcher advertising surprised. Only on second glance I realized that this advertising is not the Fleischhänder can be. After a quick look at the range of agency I had imagined, which is probably next week on the action panel:

This week: SAUSAGE
-finger rings, or the "nipples" with anodized rod!

a smile greets your "PRINCE ALBERT" :-)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Clean Warm Up Songs Basketball

thank Hans-Peter! It

Once again, the ultimate audio recordings made by HPZ has been released!

This is simply a must for all amateur and professional philosophy Fritzen and part-time esoteric!

Easy > click here reinziehen < and the Power Podcast No. 29!

!!! Vorsicht !!! Alle die Ihr Weltbild nicht gerne erweitern - sollten die Finger davon lassen. Für geistige Erweiterungen übernehme ich keine Haftung!

In diesem Sinne "eine tiefgläubige" Weihnachtszeit :-)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Mild Chest Discomfort Neck Pain Arm Numbness

soft nächtelt ...


das war ein Tag... leicht müde und stark zufrieden möchte ich eine grosse BITTE aussprechen:

Liebe Lavabo-Hersteller der ganzen Welt
Höflich bitte ich Sie, in Zukunft jedes Lavabo mit einem "Sicherheitsüberlaufablauf" zu versehen. Besonders in öffentlichen Gebäuden, wo das Lavabo ebenfalls als "Kotzbecken" dient, ist ein "Überlauf-Ablauf" sehr erwünscht!

Es kann vorkommen, dass ein pflichtbewusster Erdenbürger den Wasserhahn aufdreht - mit der Absicht, die eingetrocknete Kotze aufzuweichen :-)
Da Kopfsalat und Peperoni gerne den "Regulären-Ablauf" verstopfen, benötigt es bei grösseren Wassermassen einen "Sicherheitsüberlaufablauf". Wenn dieses Ding jedoch fehlt, kann es zu kleinen Überschwemmungen kommen ...und es weich-nächtelt :-)

Weich - weil die säuerliche Salat-Peperonikombination weich wurde...
nächtelt - weil die fröhliche Putzaktion bis in die Nacht ging...

In diesem Sinne wünsche ich allen frohe und besinnliche Festtage!

Monday, December 11, 2006

What Color Should A Master Bedroom Be

Once Upon ..

Once upon a box full of tools. After the hard working days, they met always in the evening beer. There, they discussed the work and their exploits. "Today I have taken at least 200 nails and tapping the handle bars!" Boasted the hammer. "That's nothing," said the screwdriver. "For me it was safe over 300 Phillips screws and ...", he took a deep breath and said with his head," then I was still the master mix used for coffee! "" Ooohhh! "An amazement went through the round. It was hard to beat. "For the next few days probably the screwdriver, the king whispered the tools to be ...", the pliers to shy phase tester.

But in the evening then met the tools again until very late in the box. The rumor mill was boiling over fast. "You know where the screwdriver is?" Asked the chisel. "He's the champion attacked and seriously injured him," knew the hammer to report. "I have it roll away full of blood to see," shouted the nippers in horror in the round. "Murderers! Miserable wretch! The should lock away for all time ... and in general the Phillips screwdriver are all the same. Since my head screwdriver are much better! " added the Bostich. "Screwdrivers screwdriver! There are no differences - Pasta "put the crowbar to be serious mine and disappeared in the bottom drawer.

The moral of the story is:
screwdriver are all stupid and just before just tools. What do you do with it is your affair!

Anyone who knows me knows why I just wrote this story. Tools are tools! Everyone can make of it what he wants - unfortunately and fortunately! I'm basically open to all kinds of tools. Whether you are a good fit to me, arises only when Work out. is a nice saying: ". Who has to work with is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" In this sense I wish you all a huge, bulging toolbox .

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Ps3 Does Not Play Hdmi Audio On

A great video found at the beginning of the fire was

Anyone interested in hypnosis should watch this video once ...
I found it on . Here you will find yourself in addition to representational excellence, informative films :-)

Cb Noise Toys Samples

self-trained in the art of teaching, could the fate of me not to spare before neurotic moments. Whether as student or teacher ...

from inner urge and looking for improvements, I decided to inform the electronic world ...

My experience and knowledge from the training workshop forced me to call a humorous, politically "neutral" and future-oriented blog to life.

Looking through different eyes allow an expansion of consciousness for all solidified blinders thinkers.

Open your mind .. :-)