all customers, friends, acquaintances, and the rest of the family we thank for their active support during the past year - without you and you all would not be the have been possible.
a wonderful Christmas and wish Jeanette Alfonso
The Moodboard (English mood "mood", board "table") is an important work undPräsentationsmittel in communications and design professionals. In the course of a project it supports the development, brokerage, if the sale and finally as a reference, the concept of visual fidelity implementation or visually displayable ideas.
Traditionally, the mood board as large a sheet of cardboard on which photos, drawings, materials, short texts will be applied. Depending on the purpose, the assembly may be variable or constant, freely arranged or (rarely) complex layouted . Typical applications include:
Seinem Namen entsprechend vermittelt das Moodboard , so-named presentation techniques, so the atmosphere, the mood of a draft; essential aspects verbally or in frames are only awkward or inaccurate display. Here, a mood board convinced more by their immediate, intuitive detectable overall impression than by the specificity of detail or completeness of content. If there is no known suggestive , it may often be concluded that a lack of underlying ideas, so the mood board is very suitable for development, testing and differentiation of concepts.
In the mood board presentations valuable because too sketchy Ideen konkret visualisiert werden können, komplexe Inhalte werden im Wortsinne überschaubar. Die haptische Präsenz der Kartontafel kommt dem Bedürfnis vieler Designkunden nach „Anfassbarkeit“ entgegen und ist daher auch heute noch elektronischen oder gedruckten Ausführungen an Überzeugungskraft oft überlegen.