Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Worst Diaper Discipline Possible

Unser Christbaum

all customers, friends, acquaintances, and the rest of the family we thank for their active support during the past year - without you and you all would not be the have been possible.
a wonderful Christmas and wish Jeanette Alfonso

Soul Eater Blood On Blood

Weihnachtspakerl-Schock .... aus Heinersberg

shocked Total we received last Saturday a Pakerl - was all big "Reklamtion" on it by Helmut and Natalie Altman from Heinsberg ...
alone, I did not open and Outside, I'm Anita, called my sister in law and together we have it opened.
And what was it? The worst thing we expected ... perhaps any sausages, thanks to DHL for days on tour or something like that.
quite the opposite: nuts, chocolate, tangerines, apples and cookies and a very nice map of the Altman.
Na Bravo - so ein Schock, dann haben wir beide weiche Knie bekommen. Wir haben es wieder verschlossen und es genauso mit meiner Schwiegermutter und meinem Mann gemacht - die waren auch total schockiert und dann überglücklich und außer sich vor Freude.
Das Pakerl hat die Anita bekommen, denn die verpackt auch alle an unsere Kunden und sie wartet schon das ganze Jahr und sagt immer, dass sie auch gern mal ein Päckchen bekommen würde. Jetzt ist es eingetroffen. DANKE

Poems That Will Make You Horny

Die ganze Familie hilft mit .... Gott sei Dank!

Meine Mama und die Tante Edeltraud haben heuer unsere Christmas letters folded and bagged ... THANKS to you two.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Why Is My Feet Have Red Dot

Die Spannung und Anspannung steigt ...

The holiday season will actually be the stade and quiet time. For us this is very different. For three weeks, we pack up the reserved Pakerl for business partners, aunt, grandma, grandpa, uncles, friends, still love affairs & Co. That's an excitement - everything has to fit from the sausage on the attached map to the finished Pakerl. If what we can not get ready ... who is to blame? Of course my Alfons, because he has calculated just not done, the sausage, which belongs to the Pakerl. Yes, he just has only two hands and could not care less We only do it - because no one can point - the recipes are unknown. Who must endure a lot of us women.
hectic already is. Our lady Schwarzgeräuchertem is my mother - Anna. It makes it all too well - like hell respects that is blended so that nothing and every customer is satisfied. Between all the running around
we are all made in our small kitchen next to the farm shop and drink coffee with Anita's homemade cookies or cookies from our customer Mr. Hofmann, who has sent them to us yet to calm.
night we turn out the light at some point, Alfons asleep by three hours and then I wake him up again, so he returned to his sausage kitchen can.
no fun at work and our cohesion would not go - there have aunts, mom and dad, Ute, the friend from Munich, and his cousin's side and up Sepp's.
Yes and in all the Christmas rush then our report comes on TV ... toward which we can already see all excited because we do not even know what and how is it ... comes to love ... yes, without really goes nothing. I have noticed every day. I think that is huge, grinning.
's how it is holding, if you marry a butcher with a passion.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Are Yellow Or White Xanax Bars Stronger

Der Dreh für den 18.12.08 bei LaVita .... schee wars

Today was a great day - the Bavarian television was back with us to visit ... nice people ... this is the Thomas Hauswald, the director - a quite a funny - who determines what will be filmed as how we must stand, etc. course I was very nervous again - unlike my Alfons - he says, always a big mouth, and 10 cases while making and then as the wind ... Anita has a good laugh because ...

Here I am with Janice Nottensteiner image. This is the chief presenter of "LaVita" - aa a whole Liab with much feeling. Me calmed down again and again and pressed.

Yes, my Alfons and I after a long day ... each a complete, if so drop a tension ...

Anita with Anni, who certainly is no longer nervous, it was important to get the Fersehleut "a wos Gscheid" with us for dinner. Gabs sausages and of course, homemade cookies from Anita, who has again made this year to the 30 varieties (of course in the night, for a day so she grabs the Wurstpakerl).

Janice (the presenter of the show), and Alfonso I (with his heißgeliebtem hat so it does not freeze even with his few hairs, hihi)

noon gabs sausage and a pretzel and then Anita's still a delicious tea and biscuits Super ... since we were at least warm again .... Today it had even 0 degrees.

The LaVita car that during our trip to the rain (the river) is still stuck today because Janice had no fear and a very narrow rocky path is driven by the water. Na Bravo - well, that so many men (camera assistant, sound, and as Alfonso) to be shifted there were ... Thank God remained only a small dent. I sat in the car, but also the wheel did not prevent me to get out ... I was quite cheating ....
What did we do on the water .... coming on the show at 18.12. at 19.00 clock in the Bavarian television!

This is the second cameraman

An exciting day is over, we are very tired and anxious to see how the shipment will be made. Lustig is determined.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Threading Facial Hair

Erster Schnee in Geiersthal ... hurra

pictures from Saturday at dawn, 22.11.08 - our ponies were quite crazy and happy - for hours they are rolled up and galloping up and down the pasture - a look that's more beautiful than the best feature film.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cool Looking Bicycle Helmet

Tante Trude aus dem Bayerwald alias Thomas Niedermeier

This is the aunt Trude, who suddenly appears on birthdays of elderly men and the angry lover is of no one may know something. It appears easy and the birthday boy a skin on the bulb - of course before his shocked wife, who knew nothing of this relationship for years, and is provided only to parties now before the whole ... wia in real life halt ...
In reality, however low the Thomas Meier of Donaustauf that there is on the loose, and then it drops the mask again and the wife happy.
a consolation is then a snake in our homemade Salamistopserl.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gay Cruising Spotsmumbai

the overall page structure

Sitemap of Hp grizzly disaster

Invitation To The 1st Death Anniversary

Wieder mal ein Anruf vom Bayerischen Fernsehen!

Mein Mann Alfons war ganz aufgeregt, als er mir sagte, dass der Herr Thomas Hauswald vom Bayerischen Fernsehen angerufen hat und mit uns vor Weihnachten gerne noch etwas machen möchte. Herr Hauswald meinte, dass unser Bericht im April heuer einer der besten bei LaVita war. Meine Frage, um was es denn gehe - Alfons meinte um Weihnachten, Liebe und natürlich um die Wurst. ( )
Uff, schwupp die wupp war am Montag schon der Herr Hauswald bei uns zur Vorbesprechung. Am 4./5. Dezember soll gedreht werden und am 18.12. kommt auch schon die Sendung.
Natürlich waren wir alle komplett aus dem Häusl, denn die Aufregung im April, wenn plötzlich das Fernsehen kommt, steckt uns ja immer noch ein bisserl in den Gliedern. Meine Schwiegermutter Anna kann das alles gar nicht glauben und freut sich natürlich auch riesig. Unser Bürgermeister der Alfons Fleischmann musste natürlich auch gleich informiert werden - der freut sich natürlich auch - das ist halt einfach ein toller Bürgermeister für so eine kleine Gemeinde wie Geiersthal ( ). Er musste herzlich lachen, als er das Thema hörte, denn schließlich hat er uns ja auch letztes Jahr getraut und auch seinen Spass dabei gehabt. Schee wars Alfons - dankschee.
So dramatisch wirds schon ned werden, denn mein Alfons ist nicht nur ein super Metzger, sondern auch ein Ehemann, wie ich ihn mir nicht besser erträumt hätte. Drum hats auch so lange gedauert, bis ich endlich mal geheiratet hab - bei ihm war ich mir gleich sicher.
Den genauen Sendetermin geben wir natürlich noch bekannt.

Cheese Fondue No Fondue Pot

Weihnachtsgeschenke ... es geht um die Wurst

Es ist wieder so weit und das Christkindl steht schon bald wieder vor der Tür. Wie jedes Jahr bieten wir unseren Kunden wieder recht nette Wurstkörbchen und köfferchen an - natürlich alles hausgemacht aus eigener Schlachtung und Herstellung. Heuer können wir als Firmenneukunden die Papierfabrik Pfleiderer in Teisnach ( salute, which will send our first Bavarian sausage on the Christmas trip. Other clients include the factory floor Gunreben ( ) or the ball bearing Zwicker ( ).
We are repeatedly reported by our corporate customers that they have never received so much positive feedback and thank you wishes, since they have the Christmas surprises left. We take everything from writing the Christmas cards to the shipping of the packages - an all-round carefree package that tastes good and gets the customer relationship, and perhaps even increase. Also, the staff are happy to welcome a little recognition in the form of a sausage from Christmas presents to.
It is always important that it comes from the heart and of course taste!

Black Red Violet Hair

EU-Zulassung ... ein Drama

Yes, yes yes Bayer is patient ... Since the spring we wait for the decision of the government that we received EU approval. Long been approved by our veterinary office but was now at 3.11. Behehung by a government official instead. Although these do not come only because of lack of staff wanted, because the "decision was issued Office" is total staff is overloaded. In other states that goes very quick, if everything fits, but Bayern is probably a bottom.
A commission of 7 people attended the Monday slaughter it, then samples were taken anywhere (from the wall, floor, shower, cold boxes, etc.), provided X-written questions and diligently and all'unsere premises were inspected. Our paperwork was checked (cleaning and disinfection protocols, etc.). Finally, we should now probably need an additional door in the sausage kitchen, but the ladies and gentlemen were not united and the boss would probably leave now, so we wait again, wait, wait .... We hope this year we are still "on a green branch. However, our thanks to Dr. Siemon, who were so actively committed to us.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Whatdo I Need To Make Your Own Championship Belt

My Mood board for the band's website Grizzly Disaster


Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Moodboard (English mood "mood", board "table") is an important work undPräsentationsmittel in communications and design professionals. In the course of a project it supports the development, brokerage, if the sale and finally as a reference, the concept of visual fidelity implementation or visually displayable ideas.


Traditionally, the mood board as large a sheet of cardboard on which photos, drawings, materials, short texts will be applied. Depending on the purpose, the assembly may be variable or constant, freely arranged or (rarely) complex layouted . Typical applications include:

  • in the Filmbranche: die Darstellung eines Set Designs (Szenenbildes) oder ganzen Filmdesigns in Skizzen und Fotos
  • in Werbung und Marketing: die visuelle Definition einer Kampagnenzielgruppe anhand von Portraits und Alltagskultur
  • im Grafikdesign: der Entwurf einer Fotostilistik etwa für einen Geschäftsbericht
  • im Webdesign: die Darstellung des Look and Feel von Seiteninhalten und Navigationsmitteln
  • im Industriedesign: die Darstellung der durch Farben, Formen, Materialien geprägten Atmosphäre eines Produktes


Seinem Namen entsprechend vermittelt das Moodboard , so-named presentation techniques, so the atmosphere, the mood of a draft; essential aspects verbally or in frames are only awkward or inaccurate display. Here, a mood board convinced more by their immediate, intuitive detectable overall impression than by the specificity of detail or completeness of content. If there is no known suggestive , it may often be concluded that a lack of underlying ideas, so the mood board is very suitable for development, testing and differentiation of concepts.

In the mood board presentations valuable because too sketchy Ideen konkret visualisiert werden können, komplexe Inhalte werden im Wortsinne überschaubar. Die haptische Präsenz der Kartontafel kommt dem Bedürfnis vieler Designkunden nach „Anfassbarkeit“ entgegen und ist daher auch heute noch elektronischen oder gedruckten Ausführungen an Überzeugungskraft oft überlegen.

What Happens To Olive Oil When It Freezes

Seminar Web X.0 Aufgaben aus unserem Kurs

Seminar Web X.0
Aufgaben vom 30.10.2008

1. "Rockstar" - Konzeption und Entwurf einer Internetpräsenz nach Topics default

The participants of the seminar to create a concept and a draft of the Web site of a fikitven / real musician / band.
addition to the communication concept and importance of content (text, image, music, videos, schedules, etc.) there is the possibility to implement an unusual layout / navigation design. It can be used with existing artists floor material.

An emphasis should be on the layout, the user interface and interaction.

Of the students, the website planned to accompany the lectures in November and structured:
- first Week, 06.11.2008: presentation of the conceptual / strategic objectives and a mood board for artists
- 2 Week, 13.11.2008: presentation of the substantive and structural approaches in the form of mind map, tree structure and / or the Website Sitemap
- 3 Week, 20.11.2008: presentation of the functional considerations in the form of wireframes and specifications
- 4 Week, 27.11.2008: presentation of initial layout possibly combined with topological considerations
- 5 Week, 04.12.2008: Presentation of the Click-Dummy / presentation and correction

The final presentation / delivery will consist of a presentation with click-dummies. If you want / can, may present course, or fully programmed, Flash prototypes, MySpace pages and music blogs. By arrangement Handout presentations for non-programmers.

(Relevance: Conception and design, information design, interaction design, user experience)

time frame: 3 - 4 weeks, from November

Cruise Theme Party Blog

way with artificial colors!

in baby food, it has large quantities of hazardous dyes. They make kids fidgety and can trigger allergies. The health tip now demanding a ban and launched a petition.

fruit gums, candies and syrups. They all have bright colors with drooling for more. But the artificial colors are made from petroleum and promote hyperactivity and allergies.
Manufacturers have the dyes Although declare on the package, but the Health Tip examined in a sample and the quantities are included.
The result is shocking: Some products contain substantial amounts of dyes. So much so that the health of children can be damaging, as a British study found. Happerts But even with the declaration: Not all colors are found listed on the packaging. The Zurich pediatrician Regula Müller holds the alarming results for: "Products such as cigarettes should be provided with clear warnings," she says in the article "dyes: a threat to our children" .
The health tip makes now pressure on the authorities, because artificial colors have no place in children's food nothing. There are plenty of natural dyes. That there is another way shows such as Smartis produced without those substances.
In a petition to the Federal Council now demanded a ban on harmful dyes. The petition forms can be downloaded from , or ordered on 044 266 17 27th

Wir als Konsument/innen haben das Recht und die Pflicht für unsere Bedürfnisse einzustehen! Aus diesem Grund rufe ich alle dazu auf, aktiv zu werden und unsere Kinder vor schädlichen Zusatzstoffen zu schützen... Es gibt noch mehr als nur Farbstoffe!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Teacup Pomeranian Southern California

"Wos is eigentlich a Surfleisch" ???

Yes our customers ask us again what a Surfleisch ... is eingesurtes meat - ie there is salt and spices in the barrel "inserted". It is made like a pork roast - tastes just delicious.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Knee Hurt When I Woke Up

energy drinks and the ink dots

In einem meiner Seminare hat mich eine Teilnehmerin auf die Farbpunkte auf Energy-Drinkdosen aufmerksam gemacht. Sie sind ganz einfach zu finden: Einfach die Dose auf den Kopf stellen und schon erscheint (vielleicht) ein Farbpunkt unten auf dem Boden. Schwarze, gelbe, rote und grüne Punkte die interessante Diskussionen ausgelöst haben. Sind das vielleicht verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen, sodass es den Konsumenten nicht langweilig wird…? Wer die Tricks der Nahrungsmittelindustrie ein Bisschen kennt, könnte diese These vermutlich unterstützen.

Vermuten kann man viel… aus diesem Grund habe ich bei der Migros-Infoline (0848’84’0848) nachgefragt. Die schriftliche Antwort ist einige Wochen nach der Nachfrage bei mir eingetroffen:

Auszug der schriftlichen Antwort:

Alle Inhaltsstoffe, welche in den Energy Drinks sind, müssen auf der Dose angegeben werden. Dies verlangt das Gesetz und wird von einer Markteinführung auch strikte kontrolliert.

Wie Sie richtig have recognized that Red Bull can bottom is marked during the production with a colored dot, can be enacted so that later, is produced on which production line the can. This mark has nothing to with the taste, nor to do with the ingredients. It is used only for identification during and after production. The same applies to the M-budget energy drinks.

Signed by Matt Burris (team leader customer service) and Gudrun Schnieper (Customer Consultant)

So if you detect a flavor difference in the different color dots, has a keen nose and could perhaps as a Service Technician optimize the production. :-)
demands and be critical is now a duty. The only way to recognize that food producers what customers really want.

And who wants to learn about the specific ingredients found at an interesting page!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pokemon Deluge List Pokemon

instructions for building blog ..

Where Is The Last Crystal Poptropica

The blog is here ...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Where Can I Buy A Old Bottle Of Pinch Scoch

An educational film

This game is educationally and socially very valuable! ;-)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Batteryman Deck List 2010

Aufregung im Morgengrauen - unsere Kühe beim Wellnesshotel

Today, tomorrow there was great excitement when we received a phone call that our cows in the Wellness Hotel Kramer in Geiersthal. Alfons and his brother, who along with Christian Sepp, nephew and of course with Anita wildfire moved toward the scene Wellness Hotel.
What was amazing, the herd was a good girl back home. That is unusual. Like lambs they are trotted home. This has now also fitted quite well because we have brought them instantly into the winter home to our brother.