Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cruise Theme Party Blog

way with artificial colors!

in baby food, it has large quantities of hazardous dyes. They make kids fidgety and can trigger allergies. The health tip now demanding a ban and launched a petition.

fruit gums, candies and syrups. They all have bright colors with drooling for more. But the artificial colors are made from petroleum and promote hyperactivity and allergies.
Manufacturers have the dyes Although declare on the package, but the Health Tip examined in a sample and the quantities are included.
The result is shocking: Some products contain substantial amounts of dyes. So much so that the health of children can be damaging, as a British study found. Happerts But even with the declaration: Not all colors are found listed on the packaging. The Zurich pediatrician Regula Müller holds the alarming results for: "Products such as cigarettes should be provided with clear warnings," she says in the article "dyes: a threat to our children" .
The health tip makes now pressure on the authorities, because artificial colors have no place in children's food nothing. There are plenty of natural dyes. That there is another way shows such as Smartis produced without those substances.
In a petition to the Federal Council now demanded a ban on harmful dyes. The petition forms can be downloaded from , or ordered on 044 266 17 27th

Wir als Konsument/innen haben das Recht und die Pflicht für unsere Bedürfnisse einzustehen! Aus diesem Grund rufe ich alle dazu auf, aktiv zu werden und unsere Kinder vor schädlichen Zusatzstoffen zu schützen... Es gibt noch mehr als nur Farbstoffe!


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